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Category: Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax on Gifts

When a gift is made to another person, the donor of that gift must give up all benefit from the gift for it to be registered as a ‘true’ gift for Inheritance Tax (IHT) purposes. If the donor retains some benefit from the gift, eg. a parent who transfer their…

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Gifts with strings attached

The majority of gifts made during a person's life are not subject to tax at the time of the gift. These lifetime transfers are known as 'potentially exempt transfers' or 'PETs'.

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IHT and foreign property

If a permanent home (domicile) is in the UK then any foreign situated property owned at date of death will be chargeable to Inheritance Tax. The site of an asset is usually the place where the asset

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Gifts out of disposable income

There is an annual Inheritance Tax exemption of £3,000 for gifts. This exemption can also be carried forward to the following tax year if not used to make a maximum gift of £6,000. You can also give

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Will you pay tax on your inheritance?

If you inherit property, money or shares you are usually not liable to pay tax on the inheritance. This is because any Inheritance Tax (IHT) due should be paid out of the deceased’s estate before any

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Inheritance Tax if you live abroad

The Inheritance Tax rules can be difficult to fathom when an expat or another person with connections to the UK living outside the country dies. The liability to Inheritance Tax in the UK depends

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ISAs and Inheritance Tax

New rules were introduced by the Government in 2015 that allow for the spouse or civil partner of a deceased ISA saver to benefit from additional ISA benefits. Under the rules, if an ISA saver in a

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